By our Membership Chair, Paula Schwartz
Currently, we have members from:
- Alaska
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Hawaii
- Illinois
- Iowa
- Florida
- Kansas
- Minnesota
- Nevada
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania
- Virginia
- Washington
- Wisconsin

We have international members from:
- Canada
- England
- India
- Mexico
- New Zealand
And at any given time, we have several members traveling the world.
Our Rotary Global Travelers E-Club was chartered in April 2021 with 25 members. In just under 3 years, we now have 101 members, and we continue to grow.
We offer associate membership for those who want to remain in their “in-person” local club as well as participating in our club. Our membership is basically evenly split between full and associate members.
We are proud to claim over 2/3 of our members are women — 67 women, 34 men. We have 8 international members. And as we know from our before-meeting social time and our in-person social events, our members represent a wide range of ages and interests.,