New Trip — Ecuador October 2025

Rotary Global Travelers is excited to announce a new trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos in October – November 2025.  The trip will provide insight into the history and culture of Ecuador along with lots of opportunity for incredible experiences in nature. Members will also learn about and participate in a reforestation project. 

Ecuador overview
Ecuador trip summary

sOur club president-elect Lenet Compton is organizing this exciting 11-day trip. She is holding two information meetings to provide more details about the trip and answer your questions:

  • Saturday, November 23 at 4 pm central time
  • Wednesday, December 4 at noon central

Zoom links for the meetings available here.

Lenet presented an overview of the trip at our November 12 club meeting. You can download a copy of her presentation here.

You can view a recording of  the meeting, including Lenet’s presentation, here.

We hope you’ll consider joining us on this exciting and educational adventure!