Our Global Travelers E-Club is growing rapidly and becoming increasingly global. We have members across the United States, and we’re expanding across the globe. This geographic diversity gives us broader scope and a greater potential for impact, but it also means that we as members need to expend some effort to be informed, engaged, and connected.
As a member, new or old, we encourage you to make our mission your mission.
First Things First: Become an Online Member
Our website has materials that are available only if you’re a Club member and have a user name and password. To get set up, go to the Member Materials section of this web site and select Register. After you’ve submitted your registration, you’ll get an email approval (usually within 24 hours), and you’re ready to roll.
If you need help with registration, this web page will guide you through the process.

Second: Introduce Yourself
Many of us have worked remotely, during COVID or even before. We’ve learned the importance of having some personal information about your colleagues and a visual image. So give your fellow Global Travelers some information about you.
Select Member Directory. Navigate to your profile and select Edit Profile. Tell us about yourself, and how we can reach you. Upload a fun picture, too. See this page for detailed instructions on updating your profile page.

We travel.
Global Travelers is our name. Global travel is in our blood. We love to travel. We love to plan trips. We love to learn about new places and meet new people. We love to read about travel.
If you aren’t already planning a trip with us, start thinking about it. We have ambitious trips (like 2+ weeks in Ethiopia) and shorter, closer trips like Cuba and Colombia. Check out our Trips & Service page for ideas.
And share. You’ve no doubt taken some interesting trips, perhaps as part of a service project. Consider writing a short article with a couple pictures. Or perhaps you have some really great travel tips. Check out some of the stories on our home page for ideas. Send submissions to rotaryglobaltravelers@gmail.com

We serve the world.
As members of Rotary Global Travelers, we are committed to investing our time, treasure, and talent to make a difference around the world.
We periodically have service opportunities associated with our trips. Or, we participate in internationally-focused service independent of travel. As our Club becomes more geographically dispersed, we rely on our members to creatively find ways to get together in small groups for service and social opportunities.
To thrive, our Club needs the talents of all of our members. As you attend meetings, browse our website, and connect with other members, think about ways that you can get involved. Consider joining one of the committees that manage the work of our Club.
Our ability to award grants and provide service are dependent on the generosity of our Club members and donors. Read more about our Global Travelers Foundation, The Rotary Foundation, and the grants that we have awarded.
We meet people.
We meet our fellow Rotarians. We meet people in the places we visit. We make the effort to engage.
Meeting people starts with joining the social part of our Zoom meetings (at 5:30 pm) whenever you are able. We split into small “rooms” so that you can chat with a few people and get to know them.
We schedule several in-person gatherings in various parts of the US and at international events several times during the year. In the Member Materials section of our website, check out Social Events.
We’re working to make our member directory easily searchable by location so you can find other members near where you live or where you plan to travel.