January 27 2022: Speaker Jennifer Gaines


Jennifer Gaines, founder of JCS Sober Living, operates two sober homes in the Minneapolis area. A survivor of sex trafficking herself, Jenny is passionate about having safe homes for women to transition to. Knowing that addiction and prostitution go hand in hand and having personal experience with not being able to talk about prostitution in treatment without judgement, Jenny became motivated to open a sober home.

She is a graduate of Breaking Free, a St. Paul based non-profit that works with survivors of sex trafficking and their children. Jenny was also employed at Breaking Free for eight years and spent five years as a HUD Certified Housing Advocate in their housing program. During her time at Breaking Free, Jenny also facilitated support groups, executed public speaking and presentations for fund raising to increase awareness of sex trafficking and was involved in other supportive and administrative services related to housing (which is the number one barrier to women leaving trafficking.)
JCS and Breaking Free have an ongoing, supportive relationship and Jenny connects women to Breaking Free and also receives referrals from Breaking Free. Jenny is a Member of MASH and partners with three outpatient treatment providers.