Exploring the DACdb Directory

From the beginning, our Global Travelers club has had a unique membership structure. We have full members — Global Travelers is their only Rotary club membership. And we have associate members who are also a member of an in-person club. Rotary International has not (yet) fully embraced the idea of associate membership; therefore, the tools available to us did not provide our associate members with access to our membership directory. So we created our own online directory and used it successfully for several years.

Our new club management software provider, DACdb, has customized their directory capability to support associate members. We’ve been using it in parallel with our DIY directory for several months, but now the time has come to switch over to the DACdb directory completely.

Using the instructions in this article, you can explore some of the features of our DACdb directory and get started personalizing your own member profile.

Note: if you haven’t yet signed on to DACdb, follow the instructions in this article.

DACdb from our menu
DACdb directory header
DACdb Find Member

Finding a Fellow Club Member

One of the most common uses for a directory is to find contact information for a fellow member.

After signing on to DACdb, select My Club from the top level navigation. Then select “Find Member.” 

Note: the sequence of tiles on your Club Functions page might be different from the example.

On the “Find Member” display, type the first or last name of the member you’re seeking. Either press Enter or click on “Search” in the upper right.

You might need to scroll down to see the list of members who meet your search criterion. Click on a member’s name to see their profile.

Exploring the Members List

Another way to find a specific member or just satisfy your curiosity about other members is to use the Members List.

Return to “My Club” on the top level navigation and then select the tile called “Members.”

The top of the member page shows our club officers. You can click on any officer’s name to see that person’s directory entry.

club officers
member directory sorted by state

Scroll down to see the list of members. The default will show the “Active members” tab. DACdb uses the term “Active” for our full members. Click on any column heading to change the sort sequence. In the example, we’ve sorted by state so you can, for example, see which members live in California.

You can click on any member’s name to see their complete directory entry.

Note: the columns that show on your display might be different. You can use the settings widget at the top of the page to change the fields that display.

To view the list of associate members, simply select the Associate Members tab at the top of the list.

Notice (on both lists) that some members have a little camera next to their name. This means they have uploaded a picture. Read on to find out how to personalize your own directory entry.

My Data tile
Edit my profile

Personalizing Your Profile

Because we are a large virtual club, you probably won’t have the opportunity to meet every member face-to-face. One way you can overcome the challenges of geography is by using your DACdb profile to provide some information about yourself.

To edit your profile, click “My Data’ in the top level navigation. It will open your profile. Click “Edit Member” in the upper right to make some updates.

Your profile in DACdb is very comprehensive. Some of it is initially populated from the Rotary International member database (if you are a full member). Some of it is filled in based on your membership application. Then it’s up to you…

Edit profile options

Several areas to start with:

  • Photo — It’s always nice to know what someone looks like. Follow the instructions on the display to upload a photo.
  • Contact — Some of this information might already be there, but you can add more. For example, many of our members have more than one address.
  • Bio — This is where you put your short description that describes your family, your interests, and your hobbies. Be creative.

Your Challenge

As of March 9, only 27 of 67 full members and 11 of 76 associate members have pictures in their profiles. There’s definitely room for improvement, folks! Spend some time exploring the directory and then get to work polishing your profile.