Do you start your day with Wordle and Connections, or maybe the New York Times crossword puzzle? Consider adding TRADLE from the OEC (Observatory of Economic Complexity) to your brain exercise regimen.
TRADLE is a quick and easy test of your knowledge of economies around the world — the size of their trade and their highest volume exports.

If you’re like me, you probably have no idea who exports corn and soybeans and a few cars. But you can visualize agricultural countries that also have some industry. I started with a wild guess — Poland. And it was wildly off the mark. But now I have information to go on. The target country is 12,841 km to the southwest. Which led me to Brazil…
I wandered around South America a bit before finally landing on Argentina. For me, the fun is more in deciphering the geography than exploring the trade aspect. And I confess that I sometimes get a little help from google maps. Zeroing in on the target country provides a little morning rush.
If you have a few minutes and a desire to learn more, you can click on the little up arrow next to any of the countries on your list. It will take you to the OEC page about that country.
As Global Travelers, starting the day with a little world geography seems like a worthwhile exercise. Join me.