Our Mission: We travel together. We serve the world. We meet people. We have fun.

Zoom meetings

2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 6 pm Central US time

Our meeting will open 30 minutes early at 5:30pm for social time!

Log on early to chat!

Zoom July 11

The Rotary Club Global Travelers E-Club

Rotary Global Travelers E-Club focuses on global issues with a team that shares a passion for international service through travel, fun and friendships. We are a Rotary E-Club within District 5950 (Minnesota/Wisconsin) with members all over the United States and around the world.

Join us while staying in your current Rotary Club

Rotary Global Travelers E-Club offers Associate memberships so you can discover and celebrate diverse perspectives with a global organization while remaining in your home Rotary club. We welcome members from around the world. Roughly half our members are Associate Members and also belong to their local Rotary Club.

International Service

From baseball gear for kids in Nicaragua, additions to a health clinic in Kenya, to water sanitation in Colombia, Global Travelers members endeavor to foster international collaboration.

How We Fund Our Work

Our Members and Associate Members pay very reasonable annual dues which pay for our Club’s ongoing expenses.

For most of our grants, we collaborate with other rotary clubs and take advantage of generous matches from D5950 District Grant Committee.  For large grants ($30,000+), we partner with other clubs and obtain matching funds from D5950  Global Grant Committee and The Rotary Foundation (TRF).

Because of the unique nature of our Club and our strong international focus, we have also chosen to create our own foundation. This foundation allows us to lead projects that our members want to support and to collaborate on other Rotary club projects.  

We are part of Rotary International 

Rotary International brings together a global network of volunteer leaders who dedicate their time and talent to tackle the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges. Rotary connects 1.2 million members from more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Their work impacts the lives at both the local and international levels.

Contact Us

Interested in becoming a full or associate member?

Interested in presenting at a club meeting?