Celebrating Two Amazing Years

On June 24, 2023, our Global Travelers gathered in person (in New Brighton, MN) and on zoom to celebrate. We shared drinks, food, and laughter. We reminisced about past trips and trips to come. We hailed the success of past service projects and brainstormed about future projects. In the spirit of the Four-Way Test, we built goodwill and better friendships.

Our immediate past president (now past past president) Paula Schwartz created a wonderful, inspiring video highlighting what our new, rapidly growing club has experienced and accomplished in just two short years. Click here to enjoy.

Our new Club President, Al Kowalchyk (a.k.a Al K) took the reins. One of his first official acts was to present Melanie Deluca with an award.

We all took the opportunity to thank our out-going Club President (now Immediate Past President) for his exceptional leadership during out club’s second year. We’ve experienced extraordinary growth coupled with strong enthusiasm. Our Club is well-positioned for Year Three.