You’ll Love Our New Database!

Are you looking at the topic for our October meeting and wondering if you should skip it? Training on a database? Really? Yes, really. It will definitely be worth your time.

The new database will make a big improvement in one of the things our members crave most — connecting with each other. And it’s easy. 

With our member list in your browser (see the image), you can just click on city, state, or country to find members who live in a particular area.

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Wait, there’s more! You will be able to access key information from our new database right on your phone with the Ignite app. Search for a member and then text, email, or call.

Or, if you’re away from your computer at meeting time, you can search the calendar in Ignite and click the Zoom link. Voila!

Join us on October 8 for an introduction. Then watch your email for a link and instructions to set your password. You’ll love our new database!

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