At a recent Global Travelers meeting, club president Melanie DeLuca shared a “Rotary minute,” describing how the annual dues that we pay are allocated.
Our Full Members pay a very reasonable $225 per year.

For each full member, we pay $97.50 per year to Rotary International. That money is used to administer our world-wide member organization. Dues pay for
- Conventions
- The Rotary Magazine
- The RI website
- Liability insurance
- Support services
- Staff
- and much more
Every Rotary club, even one like ours whose membership spans the globe, is chartered in a specific District. Ours is 5950, serving Minneapolis and central & western Minnesota. Although some District programs seem Minnesota-centric, most of the excellent educational offerings are available online and aren’t tied to a specific geography.
For each full member of our club, we pay $84.00 to the District. That pays for
- $10 special assessment to support hosting the RI Convention in 2028
- Support and training for the 60 clubs in our district

Our remaining dues, $43.50 per person this year, goes to paying for operation of our now 140+ member club, including
- Hosting this website
- Management and database software
- Zoom
- Banking services
- Annual filing fees
Our club’s leadership team strives to be good stewards of our resources and to keep our operational expenses low. By keeping our dues low, we free up our members’ financial resources for our philanthropic efforts.
Our Associate members are each a full member of a separate Rotary club. They pay annual (or quarterly) dues to their club, and their club pays RI dues and District dues for them. Associate members also pay $50 dues per year to our club. These dues contribute to our operating expenses. In addition, we use any excess funds from our members’ dues to pay for special projects that don’t qualify as grants. For example, for several of our recent trips, we have allocated about $500 for things like school supplies or medical supplies for organizations that we visit.