Plan to Join THURSDAY CONNECT on September 5

It’s official. THURSDAY CONNECT  is here!!

Community connections

Zoom in every month from Noon to 12:45 CDT to spend 45 minutes in a variety of breakout rooms socializing.  Casual, Member led so Members can meet Members to have fun and share information on a variety of topics.  What will we talk about?  You just never know.  It could be upcoming trips, committees might gather, travel log discussion or just socialize with a starter question to get the conversation rolling then talk about whatever you wish.  YOU get to choose the breakout room you want to participate in. 

Here are the THURSDAYS you will want to mark on your calendar in 2024:

September 5 / October 3 / November 7

If THURSDAY CONNECT proves popular as an answer for members craving more social time or Noon CDT addresses your time zone constraint, we will continue into the new year!

Well, what is on deck for September 5th? So far, we plan informal Zoom breakout rooms with these topics. You can pick one or bounce between several…

  • a few Packing Tips from Brenda McGuire
  • why Toastmasters is Relevant to Rotarians Retired or Working led by Greg Carlson
  • an overview of how our Foundation and Grants work led by Nancy Davis,
  • a general topic breakout question: What was your best summer adventure? 

Watch for the Zoom meeting link coming soon on our website and to your inbox!